• We firmly believe that architecture should prioritise the well-being and comfort of the people who will inhabit the spaces we design. Our design process begins with a deep understanding of our client's needs, aspirations, and the context in which the project is situated. .

  • We believe in designing spaces that stand the test of time, both aesthetically and functionally. We draw inspiration from a range of architectural styles and seek to integrate elements that are both contemporary and enduring. Through careful attention to detail, proportion, and craftsmanship, we strive to create spaces that exude a sense of timelessness.

  • We pride ourselves on not only creating innovative and functional designs but also delivering positive customer experiences. We understand that the success of our projects relies on the satisfaction and happiness of our clients.

  • Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful client experience. We prioritise open and transparent communication channels, ensuring that our clients are well-informed at every stage of the project.

  • We are committed to developing designs that are environmentally conscious, energy-efficient, and socially responsible. We take a holistic approach to sustainable design, incorporating strategies such as passive design techniques, the use of renewable materials, energy-efficient systems, and biophilic design principles.

  • We understand that every client is unique, and their design needs and preferences differ. That's why we take a personalised approach to each project. Our team takes the time to understand our client's vision, goals, and specific requirements. By tailoring our designs to meet their individual needs, we ensure a sense of ownership and satisfaction for our clients.

  • We believe that even the smallest details make a significant impact on the overall customer experience. We pay meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of our work, from the initial concept sketches to the final construction stages.

  • We recognise the importance of maintaining a collaborative and flexible approach throughout the design process. We understand that projects may evolve or have unforeseen challenges, so we maintain a flexible mindset and adapt our plans accordingly. This collaborative and adaptable approach fosters a positive and empowering experience for our clients.

  • Our commitment to positive customer experiences doesn't end upon project completion. We provide post-project support to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Andrew Corsham


Director | Architectural Designer | Chartered Architectural Technologist

Andrew Corsham

Andrew studied Architectural Design, Technology, and Production at the Leicester School of Architecture (LSA), De Montfort University.

Since graduation in 2003, he has worked in several award-winning commercial and residential architecture practices in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

Andrew is a Licenced Architectural Designer and a Member of the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists.

Andrew enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, enjoying the beautiful outdoors, personal devotion, food and drink, travel, creating music, anything Pink Floyd, and playing golf and tennis.